Fosythe then makes a deal with her, and she has to pretend to be his fiance/mistress, to get rid of all the women who are always chasing him, including a "b*t*h" actress called Dulcie. Then he takes the secty to dinner and takes her out to the dance floor so that the paparazzi take pictures of them dancing. The judge agrees and Fosythe takes the secretary and Stevie to his house. Fosythe suddenly shows up at the courthouse and convinces the judge to release Stevie under his care. Stevie is out of control and gets arrested for stealing a car. Her parents are dead so she raised her younger brother Stevie. I think his name is either Luke or Jake Fosythe. It's about a secretary (forgot her name) and her new boss who is the milionaire that takes over her company. I'm also looking for a Harlequin Presents circa '89-93.

I've read many HP's, but that one doesn't sound familiar sorry, Morphidae.